MNX Menkul

Trade Cryptocurrencies with MNX Menkul

With MNX Menkul you can trade cryptocurrencies in a single account. All our cryptocurrency instruments are quoted against the US Dollar. You don’t have to navigate through complicated steps of purchasing them from exchanges and storing them in wallets. And leveraged trading of cryptocurrencies is available at the most competitive prices.


Why Trade Crypto


Due to growing interest from banks, investors, and consumers, cryptocurrencies have experienced significant volatility. This makes it even more exciting.

24x7 Market Hours

The market is available for trading 24 hours a day and seven days a week with no centralized interference.

Improved Liquidity

Liquidity is vital as it brings faster transaction times, better pricing and enhanced accuracy for technical analysis.


Traders can open a position on ‘margin’ – using a deposit that is worth a fraction of the total value of the trade.


Advantages Of Trading With MNX Menkul

MNX Menkul offers a competitive list of cryptocurrencies for traders on a 24X7 basis. The crypto market is decentralized and accessible everyday. Though trading cryptos is relatively new, there’s enough volatility that it attracts competitive interest.

No Trading Restrictions

MNX Menkul offers perfect conditions for scalping and EAs and there is no minimum distance between the spreads.

Security of Funds

Client funds are received into segregated bank accounts separate from those used by the

120+ Trading

Traders get to trade more than 120 trading instruments that include:

Tight Spreads

MNX Menkul continuously offers the tightest spreads. On the major currency pairs, trade from as low as 0.0 pips.

Top Notch Support

We want to see you succeed as a trader and offer personalized 24/5 customer service to help you achieve it.

Trade With The World's Most Popular Platform

Our suite of trading platforms was designed to meet the demanding needs of online traders